What will be happened if Bangladesh was the integral part of India ?

It’s difficult to predict what would have happened if Bangladesh was an integral part of India, as it depends on many hypothetical factors and variables. However, some potential consequences of such a scenario could include:

  1. Changes in Demographics: Bangladesh is a predominantly Muslim country, and if it became an integral part of India, it would significantly alter the demographic makeup of the country. This could have significant social, cultural, and political implications.

What will be happened if Bangladesh was the integral part of India

  1. Impact on Indian Politics: Bangladesh has a large population, and if it became an integral part of India, it could potentially shift the balance of power in Indian politics. The political influence of the Muslim population could increase, leading to changes in government policies and priorities.

  2. Economic Impact: Bangladesh is one of the fastest-growing economies in South Asia, and if it became part of India, it could significantly impact India’s economy. It could potentially lead to increased trade and investment, as well as new economic opportunities in sectors such as agriculture, manufacturing, and tourism.

  3. Regional Stability: Bangladesh shares borders with India and Myanmar, and its stability is critical for the region’s overall security. If Bangladesh became an integral part of India, it could potentially have implications for regional stability, particularly with regard to relations with neighboring countries.

It’s important to note that this is all purely speculative, and the actual consequences of such a scenario would depend on many factors, including the circumstances under which Bangladesh became part of India and how the integration process was managed.

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